These days, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a mega celebrity who doesn’t sport a lip tattoo. From Kim Kardashian and her little sister Kendall Jenner to other stars like Madison Beer and Miley Cyrus, many celebs have braved the tattoo parlor for some absolutely stunning lip tattoos. These cosmetic tattoos started gaining popularity a few years ago and have become more popular than ever! They look really aesthetic and very cool at the time.
There are plenty of options to choose from when it comes to getting these tattoos, from simple lip tattoos to words and abstract designs. And if you want a hidden tattoo, these are the ones for you! However, these lip tattoos rank high on the pain scale and definitely have that “ouch” effect. Not only that, they also fade quite quickly compared to other body tattoos. It turns out that getting a professional tattoo on your delicate skin is no walk in the park, to say the least.
Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the pain of a lip tattoo, the different types of lip tattoos, and the health risks associated with them.
Why do lip tattoos hurt?
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Do lip tattoos hurt? Yes, they do! Lip tattoos are considered to be one of the most painful places on the body to get tattooed. Getting tattooed on the skin of your lips, whether it is the outer or inner lips, is painful because the tiny needles have to pierce the skin so that the color pigments are deposited in the area. The skin of the lips is more sensitive and delicate compared to the skin on other parts of the body. This makes the tattooing uncomfortable and much more painful.
The area around the lips is in constant motion when breathing, talking or eating, which makes tattooing difficult as it requires fine detail and a very high degree of precision, leading to more discomfort. This further tips the pain scale of lip tattooing. In addition, the skin around the lips is also very soft and springy, and that makes it difficult for the tattoo artist to penetrate the skin even with the needles, as they have to constantly stretch the skin a little bit in order to properly deposit the pigment of the tattoo ink into the skin. If you are considering getting a mouth tattoo where you color your lips pink or red or as a lip liner so that you don’t have to wear lipstick anymore, be prepared for the pain.
And it doesn’t stop there! You have to keep your lips inside out during the entire lip tattooing process and limit facial expressions, which can be a challenge for some. Also, the sensitive oral tissues have many nerve endings that amplify the sensation of pain, as the needles stimulate these endings during the inking process (1).
Pro tip
Do not eat any liquids or food before the appointment day. It can increase saliva production, making it difficult for the artist to work on a dry surface and reducing the effectiveness of the numbing cream.
So, to answer the question – Are lip tattoos painful? Yes, lips are sensitive, and this makes the process more painful. However, you should always consider factors such as aesthetics, style, purpose, and even the type of lip tattoo you want. Now, let’s take a look at the different types of lip tattoos that exist.
Types of lip tattoos
Image: Shutterstock
There are different types of lip tattoos. Here’s everything you need to know about them if you decide to venture into the world of lip tattoos:
1. Lip Liner Tattoos
These tattoos help to enhance the shape or contour of the lips. They also enhance the appearance of the lips. They can even create subtle definition and help to correct or restore the shape of your lips.
2. Lip blush tattoo
Add a super subtle, natural tint to your lips with this tattoo. It helps to accentuate the lips by giving them more dimension.
3. Inner lip tattoo
These tattoos are placed on the inside of the skin of the lower lip. They are great for those who want a hidden tattoo.
4. Cosmetic lip tattoos
This is basically a permanent makeup tattoo. You can enhance the natural color and shape of your lips with this lip makeup procedure.
5. Ombre Lip Tattoos
This process involves using two or more colors to create a gradient effect. It helps to create an illusion of volume by adding definition and gives that ‘3D effect’ to the lips.
6. Temporary lip tattoos
This allows you to experiment with different lip looks by using lip appliques, lipsticks or stencils. They look like conventional lip tattoos and last for a shorter time.
Pro tip
To reduce the risk of infection, make sure the experienced tattoo artist wears new gloves and uses new needles, trays, and ink during the treatment.
These lip procedures and techniques will give you great results. They will not damage your natural lips if the tattoo procedure is done safely and correctly. However, there are always health risks involved.
Risks of lip tattoos
Image: Shutterstock
Lip tattoos have many potential benefits. However, it is essential to carefully consider the decision to get a lip tattoo and be aware of the following lip tattoo risks:
1. Swelling
The lip tattoo procedure involves inserting ultra-fine needles into the skin of the lips to deposit the ink. This ink can in turn cause microscopic injuries to the skin and lead to swelling (2).
2. Infection
The lip area is very susceptible to skin infections due to the high moisture content and bacteria in the mouth. Also, the saliva in the mouth, when it comes in contact with the affected area, can increase the risk of bacterial contamination (2).
3. Scars
If the area around the lips does not heal properly, it can increase the risk of scarring, cause changes in the texture of the skin surface, and increase the pain of a lip tattoo (3).
4. Allergic reaction
If someone has sensitive or allergic skin, he or she is more prone to allergic reactions such as swelling, itching, cold sores or rashes after tattooing (3).
5. Anaphylaxis
In rare cases, one may experience severe allergic reactions that can cause severe swelling of the neck, cheeks, and lip areas. It can even lead to difficulty breathing and can be fatal if left untreated (4).
6. Blood-borne disease
Using infected needles or not sterilizing the tattoo machine before the procedure can lead to the transmission of blood-borne pathogens and diseases such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV (5).
7. Burning sensation
Some foods that you eat, such as spicy foods, can give your skin a burning sensation and irritation. It can also lead to inflammation and swelling. It is recommended to avoid eating oily and spicy foods for at least a few weeks after getting a lip tattoo.
In addition, always go to a professional tattoo artist or someone experienced in working with lip tattoos to reduce the risk of infection and other complications. It is also important to practice good aftercare to speed up the healing process.
That being said, you have to keep in mind that lips are super sensitive areas, and the pain is definitely excessive when your lips are pierced with needles to get the look you want. Here’s what you need to know about pain threshold level.
How bad does a lip tattoo hurt?
Image: Shutterstock
Everyone reacts differently to pain, it is never the same for two people. Some people do not feel the pain of a lip tattoo at all, while for others it can be a ‘bone-breaking’ experience. Lip tattoo sessions are generally considered to be one of the most painful sessions one can undergo. This is mainly because the surface of the lips is different from the rest of the body, making it harder for the tattoo ink to settle or for the skin to heal. Not only that, even the healing process of these tattoos is quite slow and time-consuming.
Meghan Hattala, a blogger, shared her experience getting a lip tattoo and how it helped improve the appearance of her lips. She writes, “Like all tattoos, this will hurt. In my opinion, the first time was the worst, but Tara/Julie used numbing cream for follow-ups (i).”
Lips are one of the coolest and sexiest places to get a tattoo, but the process is definitely not easy. Wondering how painful lip tattoos are? Well, the pain of a lip tattoo is quite intense and can feel like a long cut on your lips. Moreover, keeping your lips in the same position for a long time can cause muscle fatigue, discomfort, and a feeling of exhaustion.
Lip tattoos are very popular. However, they fade quickly and can be one of the most painful tattoos you can ever get. Moreover, they are very susceptible to infection if not taken care of properly. Therefore, it is always recommended to hire an experienced tattoo expert for inking because it requires working with your body, so anyone who is not a professional can easily mess them up. Although it can be more painful than getting tattoos on other parts of the body, it is definitely worth the pain. Also, practicing proper aftercare practices and taking medications recommended by doctors can help to better manage the pain of lip tattoo, reduce discomfort, and ensure a smooth recovery.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does the pain last after getting a lip tattoo?
Anecdotal evidence suggests that lip tattoo pain can last anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks after undergoing the tattoo procedure. However, every individual has a different pain threshold, and the intensity and duration of lip tattoo pain levels are highly subjective.
Is there a specific type of ink used for lip tattoos?
Medical grade pigments, specially formulated for cosmetic procedures and in accordance with safety standards set by health care regulatory bodies, are used for cosmetic lip tattoos. This helps minimize the risk of allergic reactions and ensures that the tattoo lasts longer.
Can I eat and drink normally after getting a lip tattoo?
It is generally advisable to be careful immediately after undergoing the tattoo procedure. Activities that require a lot of movement can strain the muscles. Eating spicy or acidic foods or drinks can also cause discomfort and irritate the tattoo area.
Key Points
Lip tattoos are popular and aesthetically pleasing. They are visible yet easy to hide and are an unconventional choice. Lip tattoos are considered one of the most painful tattoo experiences. This is because it is a sensitive area, has a thin skin surface and requires constant movement. Different types of lip tattoos include lip liner tattoos, lip blush tattoos, ombre lip tattoos, cosmetic lip tattoos and temporary lip tattoos. Risks associated with lip tattoos include scarring, allergic reactions, swelling, infection and blood-borne diseases.
The YouTuber shared her experience getting a lip blush tattoo and took viewers through the process of how to touch it up.
Personal experience: Source
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